Parents School Handbook

Policies and procedures


At Beaverbrook Montessori, our goal is to help students develop inner discipline. We want students to be responsible for their actions and the consequences that follow. We also believe in positive interactions and redirecting with respectful and supportive language. We work very hard to assist students in understanding virtues and the feelings of others. We encourage students to be an accountable and respectful citizen. If a student is having behaviour difficulties, the teachers will redirect the student and encourage appropriate behaviour. Parents will be notified if inappropriate behaviours persist.
The teachers and parents are always expected to work together as a team to help the student understand the behavioural expectations and to help the student have a positive experience at Beaverbrook Montessori. Should inappropriate behaviours be of a violent nature, where students are physically fighting or being harmful in any physical way, parents will be notified immediately and students will be given Action Plans to complete with an understanding that if this type of behaviour reoccurs, suspensions will follow. Teasing, verbal and emotional abuse is deemed as bullying and continued emotional bullying will be handled in the same manner as physical violence.

Accidents and Serious Occurrences

An Incident Form will be completed whenever a student is involved in an accident/injury. This form is to be completed when any first aid treatment is required, not just in the case of a serious injury. It is very important that the parents be aware that an accident or injury has occurred, even in the case of a minor injury. The Incident Form will remain in the student’s file. In the event of a serious occurrence or any questionable injury and/or it is necessary to drive a child to the hospital because the child is very ill or after an accident has occurred during school hours, they will be transported by emergency vehicle or taxi. The Principal or /and one additional teacher will accompany the child. Parents will be contacted immediately. If contacting the parents is not possible, then the emergency contacts will be notified.

Personal Items

All students’ belongings brought to school must be labelled with their names for easy identification. It is strongly suggested that backpacks, lunch boxes and containers items be labelled as well. The Toddlers and Casa students have access to many play items at school and therefore are discouraged to bring toys from home. During Show & Tell, items brought to school must meet the guidelines the teachers have indicated. All items brought to school are the responsibility of the students and BMS will not be responsible for any lost or damaged. A Lost & Found Box has been set up in the main hallway where all found items will be placed. All unclaimed items in the box at the end of the term will be donated to a charity box.

Uniforms/Dress Code

Students are asked to wear weather-appropriate clothing throughout the school year. Layered clothing is best as it allows students to remove or add clothing items when needed. During the colder months, we ask that students refrain from wearing a scarf or any drawstrings on jackets, hoods etc. as it poses a choking hazard.
A temperature of –20C with the wind chill factor is the time when students are asked to stay inside. This is checked on the Weather Network on the Internet.
NOTE: We ask that all clothing, including footwear, be marked or labelled with the student’s name. Any lost items are not the responsibility of the school. Lost items will be in the lost and found bin at the main entrance hallway or in the office.


Each toddler student is provided with a Communication Book that will be used for daily report and general communications.
Parents are welcome to put responses to communications book for the teachers to retrieve. Parents can also leave messages with the school for late or early picks and drop off, absences or any other matters for the teachers.
Beaverbrook Montessori School encourages parents to share their ideas, questions and concerns. Parents are always directed to their child’s homeroom teacher initially and if a resolution is not reached or further clarification is required, then a formal meeting will take place with members of Administrative staff.
Beaverbrook Montessori does acknowledge that there may be issues that required immediate attention and in these instances parents will be addressed.

Progress Reports / Interviews

It is our intention within the reporting system to notify parents of individual achievements, as well as strengths and weaknesses, which are being demonstrated by the student. To avoid misunderstandings, parents and teachers are encouraged to meet during scheduled interviews to discuss reports and plan ways to strengthen and enrich the student’s progress. It is through constant communication that jointly we may bring each child to attain their full potential. If at any time parents have questions or concerns about programming or related school procedures, we encourage you to contact the classroom teachers without delay and to make an appointment. Teachers may be contacted by telephone or school email address.
All students will receive a written progress report at the end of each term (January and June). Parent Interviews will follow within the week. Throughout the school year, parents are always welcome to observe the classrooms. Please consult with MEDICAL / EMERGENCY INFORMATION
Communicable Disease – During the year, it is sometimes necessary to contact parents and have them take their child home because he/she is ill or is suspected of having a communicable disease. If your child complains of feeling ill before school, we request that he/she stays home.
The Principal has the authority to exclude students who are suffering or are suspected of suffering from a communicable disease. The periods of exclusion that we adhere to are as follows:


Chicken Pox Contagious from 1 to 2 days before onset of rash and up to 5 days after – should return when child feels well enough to participate normally in all activities.
Fifth Disease Contagious before onset of rash and probably not contagious after onset of rash – hand washing is important.
Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease Blisters may occur for 7 to 10 days on palms, fingers and soles of feet. Hand washing is important – once diagnosed by physician, the child can return if well enough to participate in all activities.
Head Lice Children are excluded until treated and nits are removed from hair.
Influenza Contagious for 3 to 5 days from onset of symptoms, up to 7 days in young children.
German Measles Contagious for about 1 week before and at least 4 days after onset of rash – exclude child and re-admit on 8th day from onset of rash.
Measles Exclude child and re-admit on the 5th day after the appearance of rash, if child is well enough to participate.
Mumps Re-admit 9 days after onset of swollen glands or once swollen glands have returned to normal size, whichever is the shorter time frame.
Pink Eye Exclude child if there is pus-like discharge from eye(s) until at least 24 hours after the first dose of antibiotic treatment.
Strep Throat / Scarlet Fever May return after 24 hours of antibiotic therapy and if well enough to participate.
Whooping Cough Re-admit 2 days after starting antibiotic treatment or after 3 weeks have passed since onset of cough (no antibiotic treatment).
If the family doctor feels that the preceding periods of exclusion is not necessary, and then it will be required that the doctor writes a certificate to this effect.
Allergy and Anaphylactic Policy
The Parents/Guardians must provide school with details regarding their child’s medical conditions.
All allergies must be disclosed to the teachers.
In order to reduce the risk of exposure to anaphylactic causative agents, school will continue to be a nut and peanut-free environment and will visually monitor all food brought into the school. The teachers will remove food from the lunch bag when unlabelled food is brought in that may be of a risk. They will contact parents/guardians regarding the same. The school administration will inform all persons providing catered food of student allergies in advance in order to further avoid the risk of exposure.
School will also ensure that all staff members are informed of all allergies, including anaphylactic allergies students may have that are attending the school. Each student with a life threatening allergy will complete a R.E.A.C.T Form before joining the class. The form will include the student’s personal information, allergies, signs and symptoms of a reaction and detail instructions of the measures to be taken should a reaction occur. The student’ class teacher and all common areas will have a copy of the R.E.A.C.T Form posted. The bulletin board will include any new and pertinent information regarding allergies and anaphylactic allergies as well as a copy of all R.E.A.C.T Forms.
All staff members, student teachers and regular volunteers must also receive training from a physician or parents/guardians on procedures to be followed if a child has an anaphylactic reaction. All staff must sign and verify that they have received training for each individual child and the procedures will be reviewed annually. The forms will be kept in the Anaphylactic Binder that will be located in the office. A new R.E.A.C.T Form must be provided for each severely allergic student yearly and training must be complete before the student begins class. Any changes in the student’s symptoms or allergies must be updated with the staff. Each staff member will also have First Aid and CPR.


The staff members are not permitted to administer any over the counter medication that is not specifically prescribed to the child by a doctor. Proof of prescription is required by either pharmacy label or doctor’s note.
The following procedures must be followed:
• Provide details on the enrollment form under the Medical Conditions section of all known long term conditions, allergies
• Authorize consent with your signature on the Medication Form and provide details of amount and time to administer medication
• Release medication only to the class teacher (or teacher in charge) and indicate if medication is to be refrigerated
• Any medication must be in the original bottle and labelled with the student’s name
NOTE: The staff members have the right to refuse any child who appears to be sick upon arrival at school. Parents/Guardians and/or emergency contacts will be contacted if a child’s condition worsens during the day.


From time to time, Montessori would like to include a picture for use in web site and advertisements. Please sign below if you do not have any objections having your child’s picture or video taken of them.
I hereby consent to have my/our child, ______________________________________, to have the following used for advertisements or promotional materials: