7:30-8:00 (Before school program) Children arrive-free play with puzzles and drawing and coloring.
8:00-8:15 Washroom routine and dress up
8:15-9:00 Outside play (weather permitting). Otherwise activities will be performed inside
9:00-9:30 Circle time
9:30-11:30 Structured work session including morning snack
11:30-12:00 Outside play
12:00-12:15 End of morning session
12:15-12:45 Lunch
12:45-1:45 Rest period and quiet activities
1:45-3: 00 Structured work session including afternoon snack
3:00-3:30 Circle time
3:30-4:30 (After school care) Outside play
4:30-5:00 Story time
5:00-5:30 Free play